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"I would recommend Wind, Water and Energy Conservation to implement an Energy Performance Contract."
Billie Brown
Titusville Housing Authority
"We would never be able to accomplish energy upgrades, all at one time, utilizing Capital Funds; with an EPC having a savings guarantee it didn’t take much additional thought to look into the possibility of entering into an EPC with Wind, Water & Energy Conservation and getting the additional funding we needed to get things done."
Ilah Honson
Traverse City Housing Commission
"A very reliable company with outstanding performance."
Father Michael Conway
Former SPCHS Principal
"I highly recommend Andrew Overmyer and the entire Wind, Water, Energy team. They have been very professional during the energy conversion project at Bishop McLaughlin Catholic High School. They have been extremely responsive to our facility’s needs and we have been kept up-to-date and informed throughout the entire process. Communication and professionalism have been their standard and we are very pleased with their services."
Camille Jowanna
BMCHS Principal
Amount of Money We Have Saved Our Clients in Utility Costs