Avon Park Housing Authority
Customer Contact Information:
Tracey Rudy, Executive Director
RAD Physical Conditions Assessment services contract The RPCA process and deliverables are very similar to the PNA requirements including the following:Project Cost: $13,000
- Detail site visit and evaluation
- Physical needs assessment
- ASHRAE Level II energy audit and utility bill analysis
- Spreadsheet-based RAD Tool incorporating EUL data and cost libraries
- Written reports or narratives for each component
- Development of 20-year strategic plan for facilities capital and O&M improvements
RAD Physical Conditions Assessment: WWEC performed and completed the Assessment of three (3) sites; Lakeside Park I, Lakeside Park II, and Delaney Heights.
BBC – Better Building Challenge
The BBC is a voluntary leadership initiative that asks building owners and manager to make a public commitment to reduce their buildings energy use across their portfolios by 20% or more over 10 years.
Project Cost: $3,750
Project Description:
BBC – Better Building Challenge:
At the Ridgedale site WWEC recommended lighting and water upgrades; converting parking lot lighting to LED, replacing windows and door screens; Heat Pump; Solar HW for laundry; and Solar PV for Parking Lots

Rock Island City Housing Authority
Customer Contact Information:
Ms. Barb Tobin, Procurement & Contract Management Specialist
Total Project Cost & Projected Savings:Project Cost: $349,389
Annual Savings: $58,226
Type of Contract: Investment-Grade Energy Audit (IGEA).
Energy Conservation Measures Implemented:
We developed this IGEA but Customer decided against moving forward with an Energy Performance Contract but to proceed with RAD. ECMs advised to install included energy-efficient lighting, water conservation measures, condensing DHW heater, ENERGY STAR refrigerators, programmable thermostats, domestic water pumps, heating water pumps, window upgrades, demand control ventilation, vending machine energy miser, front load washing machines and to convert to quarterly sewer and water rates and time-of-use electricity rate.

Palm Lake RPCA (Miami-Dade)
Customer Contact Information:
Capstone Real Estate Services, Inc.
Susan Polasek, HUD Program Manager
Type of Contract:RAD Physical Conditions Assessment Services Contract (NOTE: The RPCA process and deliverables are very similar to the GPNA requirements and include the following:
- Detail site visit and evaluation
- Physical needs assessment
- ASHRAE Level II energy audit and utility bill analysis
- Spreadsheet-based RAD Tool incorporating EUL data and cost libraries
- Written reports or narratives for each component
- Development of 20-year strategic plan for facilities capital and O&M improvements
Project Description:
WWEC performed and completed a RAD Physical Conditions Assessment on a 5-building, 300-unit mid-rise housing facility located in Miami-Dade County, FL. The project was contracted through Capstone Real Estate Services, Inc. and required an accelerated project schedule to meet HUD timeline constraints.

BDI Properties
Customer Contact Information:
David Bailey, Owner
Total Project Cost: $13,770Type of Contract:
Energy Audit
Scope of Work:
We created a utility analysis which included HVAC and maintenance costs; collected copies of CAD design files; Completed a Test and Balance Study and compared to original design values; Completed evaluation of existing HVAC design and redesigned for current conditions and loads for each space; Completed evaluation of water temperatures, humidity, and flow for chiller and individual air handlers; Energy efficient lights and lighting controls/occupancy sensors.